Welcome to the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies

A portrait photo of Irwin (Chair)
Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin Assembly District 42 Chair of the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies
For information on how to submit a position letter please see the  
Advocacy Quick Reference Guide
Submit Position Letter

Committee Jurisdiction: The Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies (JLCCCP) was created in 2016 by AB 197 (E. Garcia). The JLCCCP was established to provide ongoing and permanent oversight over the implementation of the state's climate policies. Consisting of at least three Senators and three Assemblymembers, this committee is required to make recommendations concerning the state's programs, policies, and investments related to climate change. The JLCCCP is also authorized to establish a panel of experts to provide an independent analysis of the state policies. The committee is uniquely positioned to connect the jurisdictions of several legislative standing committees, including those that have the issues of air quality, transportation, energy, and local government within their jurisdiction. The JLCCCP provides a critical perspective that is necessary to oversee integrated climate change policies throughout the activities of many state, regional, and local agencies.

The Joint Legislative Commitee on Climate Change Policies is located at 1021 O Street, Suite 7710 and the phone number is (916) 296-8598.

Important COVID-19 Information

We encourage the public to provide written testimony before the hearing by visiting https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/. Please note that any written testimony submitted to the committee is considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted.

The hearing room will be open for attendance of this hearing, but the public is strongly encouraged to participate via the web portal and watch the hearing from its live stream on the Assembly’s website at https://www.assembly.ca.gov/todaysevents.

Any member of the public attending a hearing in the Capitol or 1021 O Street (Swing Space) is encouraged to wear a mask at all times while in the building. We encourage the public to monitor the committee’s website for updates.

Committee Information

Committee Room

Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies
1021 O Street, Suite 7710
Sacramento, CA 95814

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